To all my Voters and Readers: Thank you very much for your wonderful support for TravelerFolio! We won the Best Photo Blog Award from OMY Singapore Blog Awards!
Now sit back and relax, and follow me through the whole event!
The inaugural Singapore Blog Awards ceremony was held on 5 Sept 08 at the Asian Civilisations Museum that is facing the breathtaking view of the Singapore River. At the opposite bank lies tall commercial buildings that loom over the row of rustic shophouses.

Another nice view – The Cavenagh Bridge, the only suspension bridge and one of the oldest bridges in Singapore, spanning across the Singapore River.

Here is the Asian Civilisations Museum…

Inside the museum where the blog awards ceremony was held. Dinner buffet was served with a wide spread of quality food!

Really admire the strength of the petite gal carrying that heavy video camera! One thing for sure, she has toned arms!! I was being interviewed by Razor TV, really nervous in front of that big black eye. Sweat!!!

I feel so honoured to receive the Best Photo Blog Award when the other nine finalists of the same category are talented bloggers! Ms Jaime Teo, Miss Singapore Universe 2001, was the charming angel who handed over the award to me. Thank you OMY and all the judges for giving me this wonderful award.

Many must be thinking that the award is all about this Acer laptop. I used to think that way too!! BUT! Not until the night when I was mesmerized by that… that… not this laptop but …

the TROPHY!! It’s not the conventional kind of trophy but a Chinese tripod (鼎) with a new age look casted with bronze. Unlike the traditional tripod, there are no handles and the three legs are shaped differently. This symbolises that though the tripod (trophy) appears to be different, it still retains its unique characteristics, ie. a bowl shape, three-legged. It shares the similar attributes of a blog, which is a new way to convey messages, ideas to the public; yet not forgetting the rules of thumb: being truthful and unbiased, and be responsible with the freedom of speech.
The tripod trophy is specially designed by a SUPER COOL Poet, Sculptor, Artist, Calligrapher, Philosopher, Set and Costume Designer – Mr Tan Swie Hian! When our trophies hit each other (cheers!), you will hear a clear and crisp ding-ding sound.

Feel extremely elated to receive such an invaluable art piece from Mr Tan Swie Hian, a very famous and talented cultural icon in Singapore. A man of high status, Mr Tan appears to be very friendly, always with that nice warm smile wherever he goes. He has a museum near my house; I am going to visit it one of these days! XD

Jack Neo, Singapore’s renowned film director/producer.

Photo taking session with the winners from the other six categories. Winners (from the left): Best Youth Blog, Best Individual Blog, Best Photo Blog (me!), Most Entertaining Blog, Best Design Blog, Most Insightful Blog and Best Blog Shop. (See all winners at OMY.)

My last interview by OMY, this time feeling more relaxed without that big black eye and the mic. XP

This award is a big birthday present for me! Thanks to my friends with your birthday well wishes!

And a lollipop for you!

Read the three posts that were submitted for the nomination of Best Photo Blog Award sometime back in May/June 08. Feel free to explore my older posts with travel photos and stories from other countries listed on the top menu bar.
Congratsss again !! Hey , Any idea what does that trophy imply or represent ?? I mean it just has some kool shape or is there a meaning for that too ?? And try taking the video of your interview on TV and post it here !! And heyyyy , thanks a loooot for the Lollypop ! Liked it – but i expected more :p
And hey does Ms. Jaime Teo have a blog tooo ??? :p
Hi Eunice dearie!
First of all, congrats again and again!
Happy belated birthday and I really hope that you love my post as well.
Well, some of my friends send their happy birthday wishes to u too!
Love u dear!
Thanks for the lolipop…
Can I be demanding? I want a teddy bear! Hahaha…
ohmigee eunice! im so glad you won and you definitely deserve that! congratulations once again and thanks for the lollipop! *cheers* keep those travel entries rolling! belated happy birthday too! *mwahugs* vi-a-v! =)
Thanks for popping over to Cooler Insights. My bad for getting the categories wrong – somehow my eyesight must be failing me (on top of trying to do too many things at once…LOL). Initially I didn’t even recognise Jamie Teo. Have corrected them already.
Your blog has very good photographs of your travels, which is something that we don’t see very often. Excellent coverage of the Omy blog awards! Thanks for highlighting the ACM too. Interestingly, I was speaking to Swie Hian that night and told him that he ought to blog too. It would be eye opening to see what inspires him and the steps he take to create a masterpiece.
Congratulations, Eunice! Very well deserved award. And happy birthday, too!
Lollipop? I was very happy and all smile reading all the contents of your post and towards the end, I laughed out loud because you’ve given me some lollipop. Once again.. waaaaahhhh-ha-ha! It tastes very sweet. The victory you had tastes sweeter than anything else for sure. I am so happy for you sister.
I’d like to comment on your dress and posture. You are all poise and beauty. Never seen you like thi before. Congratulations again! We love you =)
Congrats. You’re the rightful owner for the award for your cartegory. Great that my vote ain’t wasted. 😛
After the end of the voting I’m so excited to know who will be the winner, suddenly, I need to wait until Sept. 5, 2008, Now you got it Eunice, Congratulations, I’m so happy for you and i realize that you are photogenic too :D, have a great day..
congratulation!! 🙂
Congratulation on the award. You looking good as well at he award
Congratulation Eunice! What a meaningful trophy you won! It’s something nice reward for all the hardworks you have put into your photo blog. I hope I could see the video of your interview…. 🙂
p/s: since you love your trophy more, why don’t you consider to donate d Acer laptop to me… ha..ha…
Congrats to the sexy lady in printed pink. Oh that’s you! Wow, you look like a celebrity now. Is there any plans to enter show business? hehe
Kidding aside, I’m so happy for you sis. Keep it up! Happy Birthday!
hi eunice! 🙂 congratulations!! we’re so happy to hear that you won! the trophy’s really one of a kind. hope you get to win more awards in the future! cheers!
WOW! CONGRATULATION! I am so jealous rite now!!! Anyway, u deserve the trophy~ YEAH!!!!
Hey Eunice, really glad that u win!! at least i had voted for the correct person, and all ur effort to make ppl vote for u are worth it!!!!!!
Congrats !
Heh …. You are a celebrity now !! Looking at the photos, you had a great time of celebration and fun !
Enjoy the fun, fame and rewards ! Keep blogging and taking photos !
gratz on your award wining 🙂
hey congrats!! XD feel happy for u..
i have saved down this page and will read it when i am not connected to the internet. too much chores to be done in limited connection hours!
again, congrats!
Congrats Eunice!! You deserve every single bit of that trophy!!
wow, you made it! congratulations! as usual, nice the trophy also, very unique-looking indeed.
keep rockin’ the blogscene with your nice photos and stories! more power to you, eunice! 🙂
Hi Eunice,
I had no doubt you would win! Congratulations you deserve that wonderful trophy!
Enjoy the days of celebration, Happy Birthday, and take care!
Wow Eunice, Congratulations! Very interesting event photos. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations!!! Muahaha… i bet u will win this trophy 😀
Btw, i just got back from Bangkok, still “alive” hehe…
Hi eunice,
Congratulations for the award, I knew you would make it! Keep up the good work…
Hi Eunice, congratulations on the success, you deserve it despite my own slim hope of winning 😉
And nice to meet you in person, you look pretty that night 🙂
congratulation ~!
congrats.. and your trophy is so unique never seen a trophy like that.
I appeared here again…
As I mentioned up there before…
I want to add some more…
U looked pretty darling!!
Can called u as Kakak or not here?
way to go, eunice! woohoo!
hey!congratulations eunice!!!
happy for u…haha..^^
hello.. Eunice!!! First… I would like to congrats u for Winning d Award! that’s really cool events… even though the price is not a Laptop.. Trophy more expensive and durable… years may come to you but great memories of award will never lost.. bcoz it is already a part of ur history in Life.. Take Care and Keep it up! Kaibigan… 🙂
huwaw!!!! you deserve it and congrats! Keep up the great work! TC
Congratulations, Eunice! Very glad to know that!
weeeeeeeee………I told you…you will win the contest, I knew it!…weeeeee…I’m so happy for you….you know what I’m so pissed off in my exam but when I knew you won…weeeee…..I’m so happy, I’m so proud of you Eunice…really….I will give you a very tight hug…..
OMG you really look good on your dress…bridge is right your so poise and beauty…Do you have a plan to be an actress in Singapore?….I will be your fan now even I’m living here in the Philippines…hehehe
OMG!!!!OMG!!!! I was one of the last one to know. Thanks to my very slowwwww enet connection. Good thing I was able to do it now. Seems like eternity for me. I am very happy for you Eunice. I guess you are really good in keeping secrets. We kept asking before but you got all of us suspended in uncertainty. Nways, as I said, you deserve it and I am VERRRRY HAPPY for you!!!!!congratulations. I hope it inspires you to blog more. Keep em coming……………
and thanks for the lollipops! :O
p/s: walao~ got to see Jack Neo LIVE o! :O
@Darlyn,arjaeuse: Yes, this beautiful trophy is a priceless masterpiece designed by our famous artist in Singapore. It’s more valuable than the laptop! Thank you for your support! =)
@KC,Zara,Bena: Thank you and congratulation for being the top 3 commentators for this entry! KEKEKE!
@Walter: Thanks! And good idea! Mr Tan Swie Hian should blog too! XD I will surely bookmark his blog! XD
@Chuck,Bridge,Tianhong,Melee,Kikey,Borneo Falcon: Thank you for your great support, your precious votes!
@Cecil: Thank you for your great support too! Sure, you can have the laptop! just right click and save image! XD
@Asian Traveler,Fab&Furious,MissQ: Thank you again and again!
@JH: Ha! Nah, I failed that celebrity part haha! Thank you for your great support throughout the contest too! =D
@Blue,Lz,Demiera,Edelweiza,Joy: Thank you for being such wonderful supporters!
@Peteformation,Anston,Lavern,crazyfool: Thank you, arigato, xie xie!
@Szeping: Hah! You are a great blogger, and in terms of photography skills, of cos you win! I won by chance only. I believe you will be the next winner. Keep blogging! =)
@Crazyfool,Jean,Forever HL: Thank you dears! =D
@Zara: Thanks! Whatever you call me, I know those are sweet names! =D So, go ahead!
@Akira,Vannie,Stardust: Thank you my friends! =D
@Princess Cinderella: HAHAHA!! I will take it that you are flattering me!! Thank you dear for your great support, your votes during the contest period. =D
@Antonio: Thank you! But I didn’t keep secret! Ha! I only knew that I won on 5 Sept, during the award ceremony! Gee… but I only blogged about it on 7th Sept =P
@Jasmine: Thank you =) Yeah! I invited Jack Neo to take a photo with me for once in a lifetime!
weeeee…congrats sis! Although I expected that award for you, i’m still excited and happy for you… i’m sure you were also showed on tv…and you look prettier with that pink dress.
once again, congrats sis~
congrats eunice! keep sharing the wonderful photos to the world! 🙂
The girl giving you the award is very pretty – just like meeeeeeeee :p
CONGRATULATIONS my friend! We knew it! Hubby and I were so positive about it!
Cheers! You deserve it!
Oh, I knew it!
Congratz, Eunice! That’s a really big achievement to win the S’pore blog award!
I’m happy for you =)
Keep the good work, and post more!
No, NO, no need to thank you (just like what you replied to others) because you deserve it =)
@allinKorea,Mabel,Gilbert/Cely: Hmm, what should I say again? Thank you! XD
@Ellisa: No thank you? Then, arigato! =D
@HBK: Your next life =_=”
Congratulate, dear eunice!
You are such a smart girl, You can do anything great!
Keep sharing!
CONGRATS EUNICE!!!! w00t w00t!!!
you deserve it, your blog is just ama – aazing! (that’s amazing with 4 syllables hee hee)
leaving my footprint here for ur great achievement…congrats to u….
@iWalk,Alex,Vialentino: Thank you for your big support!
Yipee! Of course you deserve this award ate eunice! 🙂 Keep posting!
Congratulations eunice!
@Marky, Greenman: Thank you for your great support! Wow look who’s here, greenman from Mars! XD
Wow! Eunice! You are pretty in that pink sexy dress!
And Congratulations! Am very proud of you. Sob…T_T Happy for you!
Keep it up k, we will continue to support you. ^^
Congratulation again ^^ thanks for that day take care of me ^^ veyr nice to meet u ^^ if got any outing must inform also ^^ ok ^^
@Abaoo: ^^small case lah, friend friend mah hahah. Seeya!
@Chobits: Haha! You are flattering me! Thank you very much! I will support you too! Keep blogging!
Congrats on your winning! The whole entire family share the same excitement with you! Keep up the good work and may your blog grow indefinitely!
Happy Belated Bday to you!!!
btw, wen is it?
@meimei: Xie xie! It’s on 6th Sept. Where’s my present? =P Kekeke glad to see u again. TC!
@weelai: ^^
hello eunice, congratulations!
Keep it up!
hi eunice. just saw your post now. been busy lately. but hey, congrats dear! so happy for you. you deserve it 🙂
congratulations eunice!
by d way here’s my new url
Wow! Such a big event! And you won! Fantastic! Congrats to the best – YOU 🙂
Well, you don’t only take great photos, you write well too! We were with you there. Cool. Great prizes too.
I’ll quickly add my congratulations.
wow very fantastic…congrats for you, sis 🙂
@Stone: 谢谢!好久不见了! 对呀,那个是lollipop,是棒棒糖。 =)
@Rose, Miss Elle, Marlyms, Lifecruiser, Mark H, Tony: Thank you for your support and votes! =D
congratulations girl! you made it because you deserve it! Aim high ad be the best that you ca be.
wow- it sure was an honoured! Congratulations! Well deserved!
Congrats ..this is quite wonderful and you completely deserve it..I was in Singapore a couple of months ago..Please do drop in at backpacker as I am celebrating as well and would like you to join in..thanks
congratulations eunice, Keep it up! 🙂
i forgot to mention that you look so fabulous on that dress eunice! fabulously chic! vi-a-v! 😉
@Connie, Carlota, lakshmi, marviepons: Thank you for your nice support!
Hi Eunice…
Amazing Award!
I knew that u will win cause u got so many support from us lol
So where u gonna treat us
Juskid Sista…
At least, Congratulation…
Congrats Eunice. U looked so sweet in the pink dress :)…….
Congratulation eunice!! If don’t mind please give me that lollipop please… Heheh Just kidding… =D
@Yenzz, Piggy, Mark: Hey thanks! I think my travel photo blog has a long way to go, still need alot of improvements. It’s just that I am lucky this time round.
Take the lollipop, just save image =P
Hi there sweet young lady! Came across this beautiful award winning blog. Congratulations to you. I hope you can link me coz I’m gonna link you on both my blogs. Thanks!
Congrats on winning the award. ^___^
Can see why you deserved it.
And by the way, thanks for visiting my blog. =)
Really love the content in yours.
Went nostalgic about my last trip to Japan when i read about your entries to the country. ^^;
congratulations!!!! you made it!!! hehe….proud of you..anyway keep it up the good work 🙂
Congratulationsssss, Eunice! ^ ^ I know it since the start that you gonna get the tiara for sure, and now you did it ^ ^ I don’t know why I feel excited seeing u winning this Sing’s Best Photos Award ^ ^
All the best,
Congratulations! A worthy winner.
@theMaldives: Thank you! Do you still want your review on Maldives? =D
@Chee Wei, Barbie: Thanks! That won’t be possible without great supports from you guys.
@Jiemi: Thanks! For Japan, it’s my sis ( who went there and I blogged for her. Thanks for your visit! =)
i’m so happy you won! congratulations!
Congratulations, Eunice. And the trophy are special. haha
wow… funtastic..!
happy week end friend.. >>><
Wow Eunice! I am so happy to hear this! You won and the votes we casted were indeed useful. I am so glad for you. The trophy is indeed very unique and you met a lot of interesting people out there. It is a very memorable event!ùù
Congratulations and thanks for the lollipop! You deserve to win indeed!
Hi All! Thank you for being so nice and supportive!! =D
You deserve to win the Best Photo Blog category. Your pictures are always very beautiful and truly representative of the countries (and memories!) you’re taking pics of. Keep it going!
Thanks for dropping by my blog. I’m sorry I haven’t been here for a while now. Been busy at work, and I don’t have Internet where we’re temporary living now. I will try my best to drop by every now and then. Take care!
@faeryrowan: So nice of you! Thank you!
the trophy really special..congrate really deserve that trophy..
@TNH: Yep, it’s special, unlike the conventional kind of tropies. Thank you for your support!
wow ! congrats 🙂
congrats girl..even it’s last year award, but i really like your shoot. Keep it on..and great blog
Thanks for dropping by my blog. I’m sorry I haven’t been here for a while now. Been busy at work, and I don’t have Internet where we’re temporary living now. I will try my best to drop by every now and then. Take care!