Got to wake up early to catch the morning movie. We had breakfast at Xin Dong Qu (新东区) kopitiam again.

My Hokkien mee – mind me, the soup for this dish is very thick! But a little too thick for me. Overall, it was quite good. I had tasted better Hokkien mee in Penang.
We tried to be at the cinema early in case we were caught in traffic jam. Fortunately, it was a smooth ride. When we entered the carpark, the “Carpark Full” signboard was still there. No one bothered to remove it, despite that there were plenty of parking lots.
The movie was in Cantonese. In fact, Ipoh residents generally speak Cantonese to their friends and in public places. Kung Fu Dunk was quite funny, and lame too. That was the first time I watched a Jay Chou movie.
We had our lunch at Black Canyon Coffee Cafe as only cafes like this kind with service charge have seats. Surprisingly, it sells Thai food.

Strawberry Smoothie with very fresh strawberry, not too sweet; and the Iced Lemon Tea tasted very natural, unlike normal soft drinks.

We watched Just Follow Law, a Singapore movie starring Gurmit Singh and Fann Wong. The synopsis is about a high-ranking officer working in one of Singapore statutory boards and a technician who is incompetent and has poor work ethics. The statutory board in the movie is known as WAS (Work Assistance Singapore), and from the storyline, I thought it was referring to the existing Singapore statutory board – WDA (Workforce Development Agency). The movie is quite funny and lame too.
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