Located in the Golan Heights at 1,170 metres above the sea level, Mount Bental offers some of the most breathtaking views from its observation point.
I was totally overwhelmed by the vast expanse of mountainous landscape where we could see Israel’s border with Syria on the line of volcanic mounds, the “Valley of Tears” region which the Yom Kippur war’s bloodiest battles took place, the Golan Heights’ slopes and the city view of Israel.
The commanding position of the Golan Heights is the security asset of Israel.

A distant view of the Syria territory from Mount Bental.

A group photo taken at Coffee Annan, which means “coffee in the clouds” in Hebrew. We had some good coffee at this restaurant where you can sit and relax while overlooking the panoramic view from Mount Bental.

The Golan Heights and the Sea of Galilee.

The 5 bloggers from China, Singapore, India, Venezuela and Australia on the “Once In A Lifetime 2.0” journey in Israel.
And continue to check out this blog for more updates on the trip. Shalom!
Read blog posts on my Israel trip.
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